Who’s Who

School Management Team

Linda Evans (Rector)
Ian Hamilton (Depute)
Stuart King (Depute)
Graham Ritchie(Depute)
Marion Morrell(Support Services Co-ordinator)

Guidance Teachers

Geraldine Harwood (Barra House)
Graham Hepburn (Davah House)
Alan Johnston (Harlaw House)
Debbie May (Selbie House)
Susan Stuart (Crichie House)

Faculty Managers

Jacqueline Campbell (Creative Arts)
Antoni Cybulski (English)
Greame Cowie(Health and Wellbeing)
Linda George(Humanities)
Robert Ironside(Science)
Iain MacIver (Technical and Vocational Education)
Brian Prosser(Modern Languages)
Alan Watkinson(Maths)
Anita Weir(Business and Info Tech)
Anne Wright(Additional Support Needs)