Aims of Inverurie Academy

The aims of Inverurie Academy are based on our belief that the individual needs, abilities and aspirations of all young people should be respected. Our school motto on our crest is SPIRITUS INTUS ALIT which means: `The spirit within sustains’. All young people should be given equal opportunity to learn and should be given support in learning.  In all that we do young people are encouraged to be successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

We have a commitment to show our pupils the best we know, and to develop in them the desire to be the best they can be.  Many school-leavers report that the encouragement of teachers in helping them to do their best has been a most important factor both in school and in their lives outside and beyond school.

Our priority is to equip pupils with the skills they need for learning, working and life.  In order to do this, we aim to provide the kind of interesting and stimulating environment which will enable pupils to realise their learning potential and lead to life-long learning.

The school values its close links with the surrounding community and we continue to develop these links.   Although we are a non denominational school we maintain close links with the various faith communities in our locality through our chaplain team.  We are grateful that we can use the wide range of facilities  that our community offers for such things as work experience both in local industries and businesses and with such facilities as Fyvie Castle and Aberdeen College.

 The school contributes to the life of the community through school shows and such events as the carol concerts that run in various localities.  Through the music competition sponsored by the local Rotary our talented musicians are not only given the opportunity to perform locally but also on the national stage. Confidence and the ability to adapt to change are increasingly valuable to young people in modern society.  The school aims to develop these qualities and to enable our youngsters to make informed and intelligent choices throughout their future lives.  The school seeks to foster responsible social attitudes and an awareness of others.  To this end we encourage honesty, self-reliance, self-control, consideration and courtesy as well as pride and neatness in person and work.  To promote these values we provide an environment where pupils can see them being put  into practice.  Our values are particularly evident in the school’s social, religious and moral education programmes but they are also evident in every course and extra-curricular activity we provide, and in the ethos that prevails in corridors and social areas.

Pupils at Inverurie Academy are regarded as individuals with individual needs.  The needs of all pupils are assessed by our Pastoral Support system to provide a curriculum which meets the intellectual, emotional, social and developmental needs of all pupils – whatever their ability.  Specific problems are dealt with on an individual basis.

Inverurie Academy seeks to foster a working partnership between parents, teachers and pupils.  With positive relationships we can better equip pupils to meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.  In aiming to help our pupils get the best out of themselves, Academy staff are keen to foster talent and ability wherever it appears.  Pupils are encouraged to pursue their interests and talents as far as they are able, whether in the field of learning, sport, music, community
involvement, business skills or any other area.  

Some examples of our achievements during session 2011-12 are:
• Maths Challenge Competition – finished in top 3 and team progressed
to the final in Glasgow
• Winners of the Oil and Gas Challenge Competition
• Castle Fraser Concert
• Two Young Enterprise Teams, with one team placed 2nd in the
Grampian Final 
• Trips abroad – Iceland and Italy
• Thorpe Molloy Art Competition – 3 pupils had work displayed in
Aberdeen Art Gallery
• Pupils involved in peer support, buddying, house councils
• Fund raising for charities
• Recycling Programme
• Talent Show
• Creative Arts Showcase
• Very successful Christmas and Summer concerts and Carol singing in
the community
• Parliament Trip, Edinburgh Fringe and Geography trips
• First Place in ‘Inspire to Aspire’ Scottish finals plus two other pupils as
• Two groups of pupils successfully completed Traditional Rural Skills
Courses in conjunction with Fyvie Castle and Banff Buchan College
• S3 Pupils took part in the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative and
winning team secured £3000 for their nominated Charity 10
• Chemistry and Biology pupils attended practical classes at Aberdeen
• Successful Careers Fair was held with 45 exhibitors
• Several S4-S6 pupils completed very successful Work Experience
• Various Sporting Successes: 
Teams : Grampian Cross Country, Ellon Road Relay, NASSA
Swimming, Football(Under 13, Under 14, Under 15)
Individuals – Swimming, Horse Shows, Bowling, Judo